The International Coastal Cleanup is the world’s largest volunteer effort for our ocean and waterways. People all over the world remove trash from the shores and document what they find. Volunteers from various organisations in this country will be clearing the coastlines of garbage. Ocean trash is a serious pollution problem that affects the health of people, wildlife and local economies.
The world needs to take notice, and then take action!The PROVINCIAL TOURISM OFFICE supports 2018 INTERNATIONAL COASTAL CLEANUP on September 22, 2018 @ San Vicente, Virac, Catanduanes.
We Encourage Everyone to join and be part of this activity. Thankyou!!
· posted 30-Sep-2018
2018 COASTAL CLEAN-UP – Participants gather every piece of trash they could find along the beach at Capilihan, Virac in this Sept. 22, 2018 drone shot.